Electricity market analysis

GE Energy Consulting provides advice to its clients on power market design and grid regulation. We analyze the implications of power market rules, trading mechanisms, electricity tariffs and ancillary services structures to assess their effect on power generators and transmission companies. Our studies assist clients to retain revenues, recover costs from operation, and plan for investments in new assets. A growing area of study is the analysis of power market structures to facilitate the integration of renewable energy.

With our global reach, GE Energy Consulting has the capability to provide up-to-date insight into power market functioning in many countries around the world. We also share our expertise and lessons learned with policy makers and regulators.

Features and Benefits

  • Analysis of power market rules, power generation dispatch and system operations
  • Impact of power market design on pricing, electricity trading, strategic planning and investment decisions
  • Quantitative analysis of energy and capacity prices, dark and spark spreads, and CO2 prices
  • Design of the power market for electricity balancing and ancillary services that facilitate secure integration of renewable energy
  • Assessment of electricity and network tariff structures to enable adequate cost-recovery in line with regulatory requirements
  • Insight into the functioning of the global power market and comparison of best practices


  • Power market design and analysis
  • Rules for dispatch and system operation
  • Opportunities for electricity balancing and ancillary services
  • Facilitation of renewable energy integration
  • Strategic planning and investment decisions
  • Quantitative electricity market segment analysis
  • Analysis of electricity and network tariff structures
  • Functioning of the global power market and best practices

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